A1 & A2 Continued Wednesday, August 7, 2019 The Evening Leader A7 Gun reform urged in Ohio ldng June 20, the cty par the metin ing ber od CIC Page Ahawd s0 feet of land souh of There was a aice prest AMS bing and so the wid toN of the blding from Rame. toed in espanding AMS ag watng to end hs been used to allow trks to t ase 1 pejet and wi nd behind the bailding t aund from theie loaing close bids at soon Aug 22 Mbofthe CKcippowd docks. eH yed sio wok on the mill oon aer ha Tday and soe Deoats in Tmas t P prme Sor up to two pean Ag Canng Frends of St. Marys on yars of govert red tape tkd te at a a aget to sell Celins Roadate Rote 703 N d th the ling Acsel tmaisedthes oflor i tht land will sow to St Mary and leduns Ar ear Rae has bbed addional damage yestiong the massaore at a Walmart vee in DAYTON (APORepblican gower- he cty is hoping to bgi bcked h partyte call expanded gn I CIC Sisa the e sigwil be put pi necently t usbel thet piese ef landNo he enounopd thet ct at kt S1 miion t offrthemi Thoma Ramnd wbon Taday was the pre-bi mesting culs a hoping that bids become AMSs just oving inte s on the gat mil project withinvow that a Teca while the FI opeed in iti t or he rta PUSH FOR LEGISLATION IN OHIO h Go Mke Dewine urged the Gord Reaction en K bMa of St Hut ofN Man e g P reiring back dria Drbam an "Ben nay gbeaid Pae Athere that don care if Marys wan with Ae t gme their rections toing courts to restrict iream access for peogle ther ve or die, thes t wa to ale a ate hs race is gng to s he s table and aThe the shooting Darham peroved as the ped cse to ome seem lker an a whee thing le that wol hve b hpnTale sa Wateman sd she people arePeding the Legilature o p sh p pdce reponne onuld theie hen ak ddee afety measues aready inodeced by Dime- man Uwl thee She aid she was ne ndw's Republican pdecessor, Joh ot going to chunge Clyton otlwt Kah o uscelaly ped fo as-caled quke te bt ove respect for social medi Just outide the Be trict oo lng ag Danaber of St Gne K atin shoting h red rting ham people c fey Vance, Am t's Eehappeed t d iwyb, ya Sharpe and Kalob bone, tht's for ves,DWine sd clo to lamed evil We can come topther to de thee thing to a coul hup Wman be pes here sidSodty Co oped to tk Dhm said changing too fast the bt the shot d y that h- ped Had FBI INVESTIGATING DAYTON SHOOTING On Twsly de FN opened an e datrit t try te drm wht elogie in- ce24yar-old gamn Conno Be cial Apret Todd Wkkerhan beal of the abed duk Helthas Lomie, was in te Mane g Locky Stee in Wipako pa the triggenr dn hotings don't hepen dere whes s isolation Some people s New Knell He thowg the re ewsg do wain et s s the O Darit way t was foled benchhe al boHeths said by hate . trg Jey kL n car every time 1 bear p ere in a cou Amiah Sharpe ef St. him dewn He bad 1with they woud ndThe polioe did a won Marys aid she heard tra dlip and an estra de hi e res Whehamdidnts se t of leglatio d o anraluing t i o hr parapo, e kn whatwhether the F is looking st teting the case a g and pporting foe the polioman who mach ifomation rmedtated Thee ary d i e Ten ma le dwes they w cd eks ole otingeaerthe wedknd on pol they dida there sbold be moe th coutry with gen n his bckand near EX: OHIO SHOOTER SHARED DARK THOUGHTS A woman who briely dated the Oh g- Sut Ken sde oting a hek could a the e sponse me was impor the S Marys ep it we tried he trigge" VFWJohn Wale, Lim aid "A k po s Kad to eer people especialy y wayws h ther t of tra t mtin te that wer e d Re said taking cammansdbe sered fo ielr diede, kd tant hrta lt of e wth mass sdoetings Adelia lbeson wde essay that Bes howeheideo o Dur sa ta d hedthe Pbrh negoese shooting on their t Robin Martns was thingsI pry for thei date. She siid Bets espesed ncotrollable rfromp nan t aSnt e you ewr would hav Cos sd sponders, lw esfoece ought wd hap m l copenb Compa Stret Stabion mil shore bte ingd Me which eventally os the ponse tine nes old oer down he said n't hink regelations Zelman, Kayla New Knovlle, w mental heakh Wle wer the an GUN CONTROL AND IMMIGRATION Keay bves e cotinsed Mental G galations ane taking her childres soOn Monday Tromp made a vage expression tl bealh was fct hah pessos are ot gongs ke ce o he Wkoet Reropnto nw gan , tinas and penple nooded to wome of the lowet paid this 's devatating i side Arts Cenber Sheep n bgound Checks old te com Weh e do the hoot nd dka they will nd an La be sad, ae only ids ie wimmigation sym but gave neaonale te paiing Marys other way to he said back to school 's a very e . Mac ld Don As Being 4, 1 the hnd time or the tra ads have peatodly shown that immigrants A the S s the est thing Fhing o dthe east geawa ale aley She m and the ad in the S rko cauons and are bud eee the They hal the oalderal oficas an ientiging antimmigant o they hot sgel eba poential notive inthe Tesasmaac bh maewas dentified bank of the S Marys W'w geplty of derp end River, EShouyer of gun lwe need toNear the Miami Erie rybodys pape right Wapaloota, bada sindonce the on's we've Canal le St. Marys, Au o Pas and Deyton a young whae the lone sopect THE EVENING LEADER CLASSIFIEDS A A a y a The Auglaize Advantage Online at www.theeveningleader.com 102 E. Spring Street 419-394-7414 Fax: 419-394-7202 All line ods are published in both The Evening Leoder and the Wapekoneta Daily News USNESS SERVICES GARGE SALES SCELLANEOUSMS ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC NOTCES ANNOUNCEMENTS Sadn Moving? Getting Married? ATTENTION! w st 0- e Ca ma ed de dag S Emors and Omissions and p pees ca to ponat taing tdoy 1 ass WANED TO BUY v AeRE e WANTED TO BUY DVD po oor lan A SAL PBLC NOTICES Wd b 20 m suSS ERVICES g NOTICE e HELP BANTEDS C s w 4 CALL NOW ARE e FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IN THE pbi se o te, e e e ea w CLASSIETEOS! he Eg A1 & A2 Continued Wednesday, August 7, 2019 The Evening Leader A7 Gun reform urged in Ohio ldng June 20, the cty par the metin ing ber od CIC Page Ahawd s0 feet of land souh of There was a aice prest AMS bing and so the wid toN of the blding from Rame. toed in espanding AMS ag watng to end hs been used to allow trks to t ase 1 pejet and wi nd behind the bailding t aund from theie loaing close bids at soon Aug 22 Mbofthe CKcippowd docks. eH yed sio wok on the mill oon aer ha Tday and soe Deoats in Tmas t P prme Sor up to two pean Ag Canng Frends of St. Marys on yars of govert red tape tkd te at a a aget to sell Celins Roadate Rote 703 N d th the ling Acsel tmaisedthes oflor i tht land will sow to St Mary and leduns Ar ear Rae has bbed addional damage yestiong the massaore at a Walmart vee in DAYTON (APORepblican gower- he cty is hoping to bgi bcked h partyte call expanded gn I CIC Sisa the e sigwil be put pi necently t usbel thet piese ef landNo he enounopd thet ct at kt S1 miion t offrthemi Thoma Ramnd wbon Taday was the pre-bi mesting culs a hoping that bids become AMSs just oving inte s on the gat mil project withinvow that a Teca while the FI opeed in iti t or he rta PUSH FOR LEGISLATION IN OHIO h Go Mke Dewine urged the Gord Reaction en K bMa of St Hut ofN Man e g P reiring back dria Drbam an "Ben nay gbeaid Pae Athere that don care if Marys wan with Ae t gme their rections toing courts to restrict iream access for peogle ther ve or die, thes t wa to ale a ate hs race is gng to s he s table and aThe the shooting Darham peroved as the ped cse to ome seem lker an a whee thing le that wol hve b hpnTale sa Wateman sd she people arePeding the Legilature o p sh p pdce reponne onuld theie hen ak ddee afety measues aready inodeced by Dime- man Uwl thee She aid she was ne ndw's Republican pdecessor, Joh ot going to chunge Clyton otlwt Kah o uscelaly ped fo as-caled quke te bt ove respect for social medi Just outide the Be trict oo lng ag Danaber of St Gne K atin shoting h red rting ham people c fey Vance, Am t's Eehappeed t d iwyb, ya Sharpe and Kalob bone, tht's for ves,DWine sd clo to lamed evil We can come topther to de thee thing to a coul hup Wman be pes here sidSodty Co oped to tk Dhm said changing too fast the bt the shot d y that h- ped Had FBI INVESTIGATING DAYTON SHOOTING On Twsly de FN opened an e datrit t try te drm wht elogie in- ce24yar-old gamn Conno Be cial Apret Todd Wkkerhan beal of the abed duk Helthas Lomie, was in te Mane g Locky Stee in Wipako pa the triggenr dn hotings don't hepen dere whes s isolation Some people s New Knell He thowg the re ewsg do wain et s s the O Darit way t was foled benchhe al boHeths said by hate . trg Jey kL n car every time 1 bear p ere in a cou Amiah Sharpe ef St. him dewn He bad 1with they woud ndThe polioe did a won Marys aid she heard tra dlip and an estra de hi e res Whehamdidnts se t of leglatio d o anraluing t i o hr parapo, e kn whatwhether the F is looking st teting the case a g and pporting foe the polioman who mach ifomation rmedtated Thee ary d i e Ten ma le dwes they w cd eks ole otingeaerthe wedknd on pol they dida there sbold be moe th coutry with gen n his bckand near EX: OHIO SHOOTER SHARED DARK THOUGHTS A woman who briely dated the Oh g- Sut Ken sde oting a hek could a the e sponse me was impor the S Marys ep it we tried he trigge" VFWJohn Wale, Lim aid "A k po s Kad to eer people especialy y wayws h ther t of tra t mtin te that wer e d Re said taking cammansdbe sered fo ielr diede, kd tant hrta lt of e wth mass sdoetings Adelia lbeson wde essay that Bes howeheideo o Dur sa ta d hedthe Pbrh negoese shooting on their t Robin Martns was thingsI pry for thei date. She siid Bets espesed ncotrollable rfromp nan t aSnt e you ewr would hav Cos sd sponders, lw esfoece ought wd hap m l copenb Compa Stret Stabion mil shore bte ingd Me which eventally os the ponse tine nes old oer down he said n't hink regelations Zelman, Kayla New Knovlle, w mental heakh Wle wer the an GUN CONTROL AND IMMIGRATION Keay bves e cotinsed Mental G galations ane taking her childres soOn Monday Tromp made a vage expression tl bealh was fct hah pessos are ot gongs ke ce o he Wkoet Reropnto nw gan , tinas and penple nooded to wome of the lowet paid this 's devatating i side Arts Cenber Sheep n bgound Checks old te com Weh e do the hoot nd dka they will nd an La be sad, ae only ids ie wimmigation sym but gave neaonale te paiing Marys other way to he said back to school 's a very e . Mac ld Don As Being 4, 1 the hnd time or the tra ads have peatodly shown that immigrants A the S s the est thing Fhing o dthe east geawa ale aley She m and the ad in the S rko cauons and are bud eee the They hal the oalderal oficas an ientiging antimmigant o they hot sgel eba poential notive inthe Tesasmaac bh maewas dentified bank of the S Marys W'w geplty of derp end River, EShouyer of gun lwe need toNear the Miami Erie rybodys pape right Wapaloota, bada sindonce the on's we've Canal le St. Marys, Au o Pas and Deyton a young whae the lone sopect THE EVENING LEADER CLASSIFIEDS A A a y a The Auglaize Advantage Online at www.theeveningleader.com 102 E. Spring Street 419-394-7414 Fax: 419-394-7202 All line ods are published in both The Evening Leoder and the Wapekoneta Daily News USNESS SERVICES GARGE SALES SCELLANEOUSMS ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC NOTCES ANNOUNCEMENTS Sadn Moving? Getting Married? ATTENTION! w st 0- e Ca ma ed de dag S Emors and Omissions and p pees ca to ponat taing tdoy 1 ass WANED TO BUY v AeRE e WANTED TO BUY DVD po oor lan A SAL PBLC NOTICES Wd b 20 m suSS ERVICES g NOTICE e HELP BANTEDS C s w 4 CALL NOW ARE e FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IN THE pbi se o te, e e e ea w CLASSIETEOS! he Eg