Notice of Proposed Major Utility Facility (New Pipeline Construction) Dominion Energy Ohio CDEO) is planning to replace approximately 12,342 feet of an existing eight (Hinch diameter pipeline with 17.170 fect of 12-inch diametor pipeline. The new pipcline route is located within Duchougust Township, Auglaine County, Ohio, The projoct area begins on the north side of Buckland-Holklen Road, approximately 2,600 feet (0.5 ofa mile) west of the intersection of Hauss Road and Buckland-Holden Road It will be installed in road righl-of-way along Ehdland-Bolden Road, Wapakoneta-Cridersville Rond at Linzee The location of the proposed new pipeline is shown on the map below Auglalize County, Oo A Letter of Notification (LON) has been filed with the Ohio Power Siting Board (Board) as Case No. 18-1341-GA- BLN in order to construct, operate and maintain the proposed pipeline described above. The following public officials were served a complete copy of the LON: Don Regula Douglas A. Spencer, and John N. Bergman Auglaie County Commissioners: Douglas Reinhart, P.E P.S. Auglaize County Enginoer. Lou Bnown Chairman of the Auglaise County Soil & Water Conmenation District; the Auglaine County Regional Planning Commission; and Rick J, Place, Bruce elrhachet, and Daight The LON is available for public inspecticn at the Auglaize County Pubdlic Labrary, 116 W. Main Street, Cridersvillie, Ohio 45806 In addition, Dominion Energy Ohio at its office 320 Springside Drive, Suite 320, Akron, OH 44333 has a complete copy of the Letter of Notification for viewing by members of the public. A copy of the accelcrated application is located on DEO's web page at on htpwwdomininsay.citing0oard Choose the case number of this case and double click to view the filings made by DEO. Copies of all tilings in this ease can be located at the Obio Power Sining Board websie at http:www.opab.ohio.gow by scrolling down t0 "Pending Cases" The Ohio Power Siting Board will revicw the Letter of Notification in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Soction 4906,10(A) which states that the Boand shall not grand a certificalc for the construction, opcration, and maintenance of a majoe utility Ecility, either as proposod or as modified by the Beand, unless it finds and determines all of the following: (1) The basis of the need for the facility; (2) The nature of the probable environmental impact; (3) That the facility represents the minimum adverse environmental impact, considering the state of available technology and the nature and coonomics of the various albernatives, and other pertinent corsiderations; (4) In the case of an electric transmission line, that the facility is consisient with rogional plans for expansion of the electric power grid of the eleetrie syslems scrving this state and intereonnected utility sysiems and that the facility will serve the interests of elecarie system econoeny and reliability; (5) That the facility will comply with Chapsers 3704, 3734, and 6111 of the Revised Code and all rules and standards adopted under those chapters and under Sectioes 1501.33, 1501.34, and 4561.32 of the Revised Code. In deermining whether the facility will comply with all rules and standards adopted under Section 456 1.32 of the Revised Code·the board shall consult with the office of aviation of the division of multi-modal planning and programs of the department of transportation under Soction 4561 341 of the Revised Code: (6) Thas the facility will senve the publie interest, convenienee, and necessity; (7) o addition to the provisions coetained in divisions (A) o (6) of this section and rules adopted under those divisions, what its impact will be on the viability as agricultural land of any land in an existing agricultural district establishod under Chapeer 929 of the Revised Code that is locatod within the site and altomative site of the proposed major utility facility; rules adopted to evaluate impact under Division (A×7) of this section shall nt require the compilaton, creation, submsson, or prodaction of any infonmation, document, or other data pertaining to land not located within the site and alternative site; and (8) That the facility incorporates maximum feasible water conservation practices as determined by the board, considering available technology and the nature and economics ef the various altematives. Affected 4906-2-12 with the Board up to ten 10) days folkning the publication of this notice. Comments or motions should be addressed to the Chio Power Siting Board, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793 and eite Case No 18-1341-A-BLN. Persons may contact the Ohoo Power Sating Board at 1-566-270-0PSB (6772) persons may file comments or motions to intervene in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code Rule